Artists at Catholic Hill
We are honored to showcase and sell works by talented local Catholic artists and craftsmen. You can learn more about them below.
Blair Piras - Blair is a native of St. Francisville, LA. Inspired by the rich iconographic tradition of the Catholic church, she works on commission making new sacred images for churches and homes. With the model of the Incarnation, Blair aims to create sacred art that takes into account the communities it is made for. For church commissions, Blair studies the history and traditions of the parish, hoping to create work that engages and inspires prayer and devotion.
Norman Faucheux -
Abigail Reller -
Kim Lopez - A native of New Orleans, LA, Kim grew up in an environment enriched by many art forms and a family deeply rooted in their Catholic faith. She graduated from the LSU School of Architecture and Design in 1984, and in the past 15 years she has expanded her religious art throughout the Baton Rouge area. Her prayerfully reflected images are inspired by her faith and composed most often via collage. It is through the multi-step process and frequent use of impasto that Kim imparts a playful and dynamic soul to her unique pieces. Her works grace the John Paul II house managed by Christ the King, the rectory and gift shop at Holy Rosary, as well as a wide variety of pieces at Catholic Hill Art and Gifts.
Amélie Guthrie - Amélie grew up in New Orleans, LA. She studied art history at Vanderbilt University and it was there that she discovered her passion for teaching art to children in underserved communities. She has studied and exhibited her work all over the world. Her Hey Guadalupe! series shown at Catholic Hill Art and Gifts was made through a screen printing process using wood blocks she found in South India. About this collection she says, "During prayer one day, I saw Mary gardening my heart. She uprooted its weeds (pride, greed, etc.) and planted flowers (selflessness, humility, love of Christ) to make a garden of my heart, my soul. And Mary and I would invite Christ to walk through it and enjoy the work we had done to better delight and love Him."
Andrew Coleman - When Andrew first began woodworking, he was a high school student building a prayer kneeler in a shop class. Germinating as a simple hobby, Andrew’s craft burgeoned upon the discovery of hand tools. After years of honing his skills, he began to accept commissions, and Coleman’s Handcrafted was realized. We see in our day a decline in Christian faith and morals in both sacred and secular spheres. We desire a metanoia, a great conversion, not only within our hearts, but throughout the whole world. In the parable of the talents (Mt 25:14-30), Our Lord challenges us to use the gifts He has given us for His greater glory. Coleman’s Handcrafted is our response.